Employee Experience

Our greatest asset: PEOPLE! Thus, i2a has an area called Employee Experience, which seeks to obtain greater assertiveness and relevance in actions, aiming at the development and well-being of each member of our team.

Far beyond good pay or a nice playroom and/or relaxation room, we think it is important to develop creativity, interpersonal relationships, motivate people to manage their own careers fully committed to their own success.

But what does the office get from it?

The office gets an engaged team: a committed team, true entrepreneurs, who know how to work as a team, bringing out the best in each one, people willing to create new solutions, committed to themselves and their team.

  • Cardeal Arcoverde street, 2365 - 12º Floor
    Pinheiros - Zip Code: 05407-003, São Paulo City- São Paulo State - Brazil

  • +55 (11) 5102-5400

  • contato@i2a.legal

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